Maximize Your Child’s Fullest Potential & Help Them Become The Best Version Of Themselves
10 Genes
Optimism, Risk taking, Persistence, Shyness, Conscientiousness, Split Personality, Hyper-Activeness, Depression, Impulsive, Mould-ability
8 Genes
Intelligence, Comprehension, Analytical, Memory, Attentiveness, Creativity, Reading Ability, Imagination
8 Genes
Affectionate, Faithfulness, Passion, Propensity for Teenage Romance, Sentimentality, Sociability, Self-Reflection, Self-Control
6 Genes
Endurance, Sprint, Technique, Training Sensitivity, Tendency of Sports Injuries, Sport Psychology
6 Genes
Performing, Music, Drawing, Dancing, Literature, Linguistic
3 Genes
Height, General Wellness, Obesity
3 Genes
Alcoholism, Smoking, General Addiction
2 Genes
Sensitivity to Second-hand smoke, Insensitivity to Second-hand smoke
Discover the child’s hidden talents and innate personality traits, and apply the effective disciplinary method and choose the right development program that are right for his or her future.
Utilize and invest all efforts, resources and time more effectively and more efficiently to develop the child’s potential.
Receive a career profile analysis that’s well-matched with the child’s unique abilities as revealed in the genetic test results.
Receive guidance concerning the talents and character development of your child.
The Inborn Talent Genetic Test (ITGT) is a scientific DNA test to reveal inherited and inborn talents of a child through the genetic makeup of his or her DNA that your child is born with. The test results help parents identify their children talents that may not be obvious at a young age but can be picked up from their genetic make-up.
We employ a painless and non-invasive procedure which does not involve blood when collecting DNA samples from our clients. This simple procedure which takes only a couple of minutes is performed as follows:
Step 1: Order Online
Choose from our Inborn Talent or Disease Susceptibility DNA test. Your sample swab home kit will typically arrive within 5-7 days.
Step 2: Swab Sampling
Follow kit instructions to collect sample — all from home. Place the tube and consent form into the pre-paid envelope provided and mail it back to our sample collection point.
Step 3: Profiling Report
The samples will be tested in our lab and within a month, we will provide you with the conclusive DNA test report.
Knowing your child inborn talents allows you to effectively groom your child according to his/her natural inclinations. You can channel efforts and resources towards developing your child’s potential with more confidence. You no longer have to rely on guesswork, trial-and-error or fortune-telling. At the same time, you will also know what areas your child is not likely to excel in as your child is not naturally-inclined toward those areas.
Anyone! A DNA test can be performed at any age.
The ITGT provides valuable insights for individuals at any stage of career, emotional or personality growth. We recommend taking the ITGT as early in life as possible. Parents can give their children a head start in life when they can set a foundation to develop their children’s natural dispositions early.
Adults who find themselves at a career crossroad find it particularly useful to have an ITGT test done, as the career profiling aspect of the ITGT can help guide individuals towards careers they are most suited for according to their innate ability that they might not even be aware of.
The results of the tests offered by Map My Gene are known to be scientifically-proven to assert up to 99% accuracy. Clients can be rest assured that Map My Gene will only offer tests that have met stringent standards of validity, consistency and accuracy.